A Reactive Scheme for Traffic Engineering in MPLS Networks

Salvadori, Elio and Battiti, Roberto and Sabel, Mikalai (2002) A Reactive Scheme for Traffic Engineering in MPLS Networks. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

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    In this paper we develop a new Traffic Engineering scheme for congestion control in MPLS networks based on a reactive mechanism. While most existing TE schemes to prevent network congestion rely on constraint-based routing (CBR), the proposed algorithm uses a local search technique where the basic move is the modification of the route for a single Label Switched Path (LSP). Two versions of the algorithm are proposed: in the first one, called FID, an already established LSP is rerouted when a certain level of network congestion is detected, while in the second, called LFID, it is rerouted when a new LSP request cannot be satisfied. Experiments under a dynamic traffic scenario show a reduced rejection probability especially with long-lived and bandwidth consuming connection requests, thus proving a better network resource utilization compared to existing CBR schemes in MPLS networks.

    Item Type: Departmental Technical Report
    Department or Research center: Information Engineering and Computer Science
    Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA075 Electronic computers. Computer science
    Uncontrolled Keywords: Traffic engineering, MPLS, load balancing, local search
    Additional Information: Submitted to IEEE HPSR 2003
    Report Number: DIT-02-098
    Repository staff approval on: 07 Jan 2003

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