Compromise Pattern Synthesis by Means of Optimized Time-Modulated Array Solutions

Rocca, Paolo and Poli, Lorenzo and Manica, Luca and Massa, Andrea (2011) Compromise Pattern Synthesis by Means of Optimized Time-Modulated Array Solutions. UNSPECIFIED.

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    Originally, the use of time‐modulated arrays was mainly devoted to the synthesis of low and ultra‐low sidelobes arrays for the detection of radar signals [1]. Successively, only a few works have considered the use of time‐modulated arrays for other applications (e.g., wireless communications [2]), although the first work proposing the use of time as an additional degree of freedom dates back to the 1950s [3]. Such an event has been probably caused by the main drawback of time‐modulation that is the unavoidable presence of undesired sideband radiations (SRs) in the radiated field due to the periodic commutation of the RF switches between the on and off states. A detailed analysis on such a topic has been recently presented in [4], where a close‐form relationship quantifying the power wasted in SR has been obtained.

    Item Type: Departmental Technical Report
    Department or Research center: Information Engineering and Computer Science
    Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK7885 Computer Engineering
    T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK5105.5 Computer Networks
    Additional Information: This version is a pre-print of the final version available at IEEE.
    Report Number: DISI-11-190
    Repository staff approval on: 12 Jul 2011

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