Chenu-Abente, Ronald and Jara, Juan Jose and Giunchiglia, Fausto and Casati, Fabio and Marchese, Maurizio (2010) Supporting Scientific Inclusion: Novel Approaches for the Representation and Assessment of Scientific Knowledge Objects. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Developing countries face several challenges while trying to keep up and contribute to global scientific and technological advances. These problems persist despite the emergence of several new web-based communication opportunities that could potentially be used to bridge this knowledge gap. This paper introduces a conceptual and infrastructural platform (named LiquidPub platform) to address these problems and opportunities. We specially focus on the representation of content as Scientific Knowledge Objects (SKOs) and on a Resource Evaluation system (ResEval) for assessing the value of research, while also exploring the potential impact that the proposed concepts, methodologies and tools offer for both developing countries and the scientific community at large.
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