Semantic matching with S-Match

Shvaiko, Pavel and Giunchiglia, Fausto and Yatskevich, Mikalai (2009) Semantic matching with S-Match. UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)

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    We view matching as an operation that takes two graph-like structures (e.g., lightweight ontologies) and produces an alignment between the nodes of these graphs that correspond semantically to each other. Semantic matching is based on two ideas: (i) we discover an alignment by computing semantic relations (e.g., equivalence, more general); (ii) we determine semantic relations by analyzing the meaning (concepts, not labels) which is codied in the entities and the structures of ontologies. In this chapter we first overview the state of the art in the ontology matching eld. Then, we present basic and optimized algorithms for semantic matching as well as their implementation within the S-Match system. Finally, we evaluate S-Match against state of the art systems, thereby justifying empirically the strength of the approach. To appear in Roberto De Virgilio, Fausto Giunchiglia, and Letizia Tanca (eds.), "Semantic Web Information Management: a model based perspective", Springer, 2009. -

    Item Type: Departmental Technical Report
    Department or Research center: Information Engineering and Computer Science
    Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA076 Computer software
    Additional Information: To appear in "Semantic Web Information Management: a model based perspective", Roberto De Virgilio, Fausto Giunchiglia, and Letizia Tanca (eds.), Springer, 2009
    Report Number: DISI-09-030
    Repository staff approval on: 05 Jun 2009

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