I Verleger serici trentino-tirolesi nei rapporti tra Nord e Sud: un approccio prosopografico

Lorandini, Cinzia (2007) I Verleger serici trentino-tirolesi nei rapporti tra Nord e Sud: un approccio prosopografico. In «Discussion Papers of the Dipartimento di Economia of the Università degli Studi di Trento», vol. 8, Università degli Studi di Trento, pp. 1-16.

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    For a long period, silk was one of the most important goods to be exchanged between the Italian regions and the territories located beyond the Alps. Indeed, it was responsible for a large amount of both commercial flows and financial transactions. The area corresponding to present-day Trentino also experienced a significant development in silk manufacture and trade in the sixteenth- and seventeenth centuries. The leading actors were the so-called merchant-entrepreneurs or Verleger, who coordinated the production process, distributed silk yarns to the German-speaking countries, and regularly attended the Bolzano fairs, where they engaged in financial activities. The paper shows the preliminary results of a prosopographic study of the Verleger of Rovereto, Ala, and Trento, and presents first-hand information obtained from a series of archival sources, which are still unexplored. Some attempts are made to trace the patterns of entrepreneurial development through a reconstruction of business changeovers. A composite outline is drawn, where foreign intervention joins local entrepreneurial initiatives and municipal efforts to promote the growth of the silk sector.

    Item Type: Article in journal
    Department or Research center: Economics
    Subjects: H Social Sciences > HC Economic History and Conditions
    Uncontrolled Keywords: Business History
    Additional Information: This paper was given at the International Seminar organized by the Istituto Trentino di Cultura (Centro per gli Studi Storici Italo-germanici) in collaboration with the Department of Economics of the University of Trento (March 11, 2006). A complete version of this paper is forthcoming in German in the journal «Scripta Mercaturae».
    Repository staff approval on: 26 Apr 2007

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